Don’t put conditions on life. Putting conditions on life is ugly, violent, stupid.
“Don’t put conditions on life. Putting conditions on life is ugly, violent, stupid. Remain unconditionally open…and suddenly some bells in your heart start ringing, in tune with the whole. A…

Life does not consist of fantastic things.
“Life does not consist of fantastic things. It consists of very small things, but when you have no expectation, those small things turn into fantastic things.” – Osho

The only way to have a bridge with the whole is to go down deep into your own being
“The only way to have a bridge with the whole is to go down deep into your own being where you will find a formless substance, a vital energy. That…

The life is just an opportunity to realize the goal.
“LIFE IN ITSELF IS NOT THE GOAL. The goal surpasses life. The life is just an opportunity to realize the goal. The goal is hidden deep in life; you cannot…

Life is fulfilled only when we start feeling at home with existence
“Life is fulfilled only when we start feeling at home with existence. That’s what sannyas is all about: helping you to feel at home with existence, with the trees, with…

Life is a complicated affair.
“Life is a complicated affair. There is a good news, and there is a bad news. The good news is that there is no need for any technique, but the…

Life in itself is an empty canvas
“Life in itself is an empty canvas… It becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery ; you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory…”

You will find meaning in life only if you create it
“You will find meaning in life only if you create it. It is not lying there somewhere behind the bushes, so you can go and you search a little bit…

Life is made of bliss
“Life is made of bliss. It is available everywhere… it is hidden in every atom. We are living in the ocean of bliss. We just have to be here and…

Life is available only to those who are playful
“Life is available only to those who are playful. Life is not for the serious; for the serious is the grave. Life is for those who are festive, who know…