I teach you celebration, rejoicing
“I teach you celebration, rejoicing, because I know that is the door closest to your ultimate awakening. A man full of joy is close to existence.” – Osho
Happiness happens when you fit with your life
Happiness happens when you fit with your life, when you fit so harmoniously that whatsoever you are doing is your joy. Then suddenly you will come to know: meditation follows you. If you love the work that you are doing, if you love the way you are living, then you are meditative. - Osho
As your silence grows
How to do meditation ? As your silence grows “As your silence grows; your friendliness, your love grows; your life becomes a moment-to-moment dance, a joy, a celebration.” – Osho…
Osho Nataraj Meditation
Osho Nataraj Meditation Osho Nataraj Meditation is a dancing meditation. Dancing with your totality & get lost in this totality completely & fully. In this meditation you do not need…