A loving person simply loves, just as an alive person breathes
“To flow and grow in love needs no perfection. Love has no-thing to do with the other. A loving person simply loves, just as an alive person breathes and drinks…
A real prayer
“A real prayer has nothing to suggest to God except a deep gratitude, thankfulness. It simply accepts whatsoever God is pouring. Prayer is receiving the gift.” – Osho

Meditation means the capacity to be joyously alone
“Once you turn in, meditation has started. Meditation means the capacity to be joyously alone, the capacity to be happy with yourself, the capacity to keep company with yourself.” –…

Don’t put conditions on life. Putting conditions on life is ugly, violent, stupid.
“Don’t put conditions on life. Putting conditions on life is ugly, violent, stupid. Remain unconditionally open…and suddenly some bells in your heart start ringing, in tune with the whole. A…

When the mind is really intelligent and enriched by joy, you will be able to enjoy bliss
‘When the mind is really intelligent and enriched by joy, you will be able to enjoy bliss, you will be able to enjoy happiness, you will be able to enjoy…

Be here now and grace comes of its own accord
“Be here now and grace comes of its own accord. Whenever you are here now, suddenly you will find tremendous grace, harmony, equilibrium, a melody in your being” – Osho

Meditation is falling into the heart, and when you fall into the heart, love arises.
“Meditation is falling into the heart, and when you fall into the heart, love arises. Love always follows meditation. And vice versa is also true: if you become a lover,…

The art of life begins with meditation
The art of life begins with meditation. And by meditation I mean silence of the mind, the heart, reaching to the very center of your being. – Osho
Trust is not in someone, it is not a relationship.
“Trust is not in someone, it is not a relationship. Trust is a quality in you. A man of trust… it does not mean in what he trusts, but he…

Spirituality is not something that you reach to
“Spirituality is not something that you reach to, it is already the case. It is not a goal somewhere, it has already happened in you. It is there in your…