Osho Says

Osho Says

Here you can find many Osho Quotes on various topics like, Meditation, Love, Peace, Samadhi, Joy, Creativity, Life and Enlightenment etc.

Go into your being. Seek, search for pearls inside.

“Go into your being. Seek, search for pearls inside. When you get hold of them, bring them out, share… never keep them to yourself. The greatest religious revolution happens when you start sharing your innermost riches with people.” – Osho

Prayer has not really to be done. It has only to be allowed.

“Prayer has not really to be done. It has only to be allowed. Sitting silently, looking at the trees, suddenly it is there. Sometimes it comes; sometimes it does not come. It is not within your power to drag it. A prayer dragged is no longer prayer.
Prayer is like love: sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not there.” – Osho

A real master teaches you unlearning

“A real master teaches you unlearning; it is never learning. You have come to me to unlearn whatsoever you know, never learning. You have come to me learned, so whatsoever you know, please drop it. Become ignorant, become like a child.

Only the heart of a child can knock at the doors of the divine, and only the heart of a child is heard. Your prayers cannot be heard; they are cunning. Only a child, only a heart which doesn’t know can be.” – Osho

The master functions as a friend.

“The master functions as a friend. He holds your hand and takes you on the right path, helps you to open your eyes, helps you to be capable of transcending the mind. That’s when your third eye opens, when you start looking inwards. Once you are looking inwards, the master’s work is finished. Now it is up to you.” – Osho

Whatsoever you do with happiness is a prayer: your work becomes worship;

“A happy person needs no religion; a happy person needs no temple, no church because for a happy person the whole universe is a temple, the whole existence is a church. The happy person has nothing like religious activity because his whole life is religious.
Whatsoever you do with happiness is a prayer: your work becomes worship; your very breathing has an intense splendor to it, a grace.” – Osho

I teach you celebration, rejoicing

“I teach you celebration, rejoicing, because I know that is the door closest to your ultimate awakening. A man full of joy is close to existence.” – Osho

Each flower is an invitation, an appointment with God

‘Each flower is an invitation, an appointment with God. Each song of the bird, and each cloud floating in the sky, is something like a message, a coded message. You have to decode it, you have to look deep into it, you have to be silent and listen to the message.
There is no need even to close your eyes. Eyes closed or eyes opened you see Him, because He is within and without.” – Osho

You will find meaning in life only if you create it

“You will find meaning in life only if you create it. It is not lying there somewhere behind the bushes, so you can go and you search a little bit and find it.
It is not there like a rock that you will find.
It is a poetry to be composed,
it is a song to be sung,
it is a dance to be danced.” – Osho

On the path of prayer you are to be drunk

“On the path of prayer you are to be drunk; on the path of meditation you have to be alert. In both the ways the ego disappears. If you are fully alert there is no ego because in full awareness you become so transparent that you don’t create any shadow. If you are fully drunk, in deep love with God, again you disappear — because in LOVE you cannot be” – Osho

To be creative means to be in love with life

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” – Osho

Remember, surrender is the last and the greatest act of will

“Remember, surrender is the last and the greatest act of will. Surrender is not a cheap and easy thing. It is not something that because you cannot stand you surrender; because you were already falling you say, `Okay, I surrender’ — because you were not able to stand on your feet.

Surrender is not impotence. Surrender is not out of impotence, it is out of tremendous power.” ~ Osho

If you can live this moment, if you can be here this moment

“If you can live this moment, if you can be here this moment, then everything takes care of itself. Then you need not be anxious. Then there is no need to ask — before you ask, the answer is delivered. The answer has been always there, but we are not aware. ” – Osho

Let sannyas be the turning point.

“Let sannyas be the turning point. That’s what sannyas is all about: a return journey. One starts moving inwards rather than moving outwards.” – Osho

God is like an ocean

“God is like an ocean… you may feel afraid. The Master is like a small spring; you need not be afraid. You can dance with the spring, you can let the spring fall on you, you can allow the showering. But in that very showering slowly, slowly you will be gone. And then you will be ready to go into the ocean, into the enormous, into the infinite.” – Osho

Meditation is a twenty-four hour thing

“Meditation is a twenty-four hour thing. It is not that you do it once a day and you are finished with it. It has to become your flavor, it has to become your climate. It should surround you wherever you are, whatsoever you are doing.” – Osho

Osho Quotes / Osho Says

  • Osho Quotes on Love
  • Osho Quotes on Prayer
  • Osho Quotes on God
  • Osho Quotes on Freedom
  • Osho Quotes on Mind
  • Osho Quotes on Peace
  • Osho Quotes on Happiness
  • Osho Quotes on Meditation
  • Osho Quotes on Silence 

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