As your silence grows; your friendliness, your love grows
“As your silence grows; your friendliness, your love grows; your life becomes a moment-to-moment dance, a joy, a celebration.” – Osho

Meditation only creates the situation in which the silence happens
“Meditation doesn’t lead you to silence; meditation only creates the situation in which the silence happens. And this should be the criterion — that whenever silence happens laughter will come…

As your silence grows
“As your silence grows; your friendliness, your love grows; your life becomes a moment-to-moment dance, a joy, a celebration.” – Osho

Only a man of inner silences becomes a creator
“Only a man of inner silences becomes a creator. And we need more and more creative people in the world. Their very creativity, their very silence, their very love, their…

Peace has to dance and silence has to sing.
Peace has to dance and silence has to sing. And unless your innermost realization becomes a laughter, something is still lacking. Something still has to be done. ~ Osho

Become silent. In your silence, all questions will disappear.
Become silent. In your silence, all questions will disappear. And the dance will begin, whatever the figure! Because as far as your inner being is concerned, it has no figure;…
Look deeply. Find your roots.
“Look deeply. Find your roots. This silence is the miracle that you are carrying within yourself. Deeper… and deeper… and deeper, without any fear, it is your own sky. Open…

Language is for non-lovers
“Language is for non-lovers, those who are not in love. For lovers, silence is enough language. Without saying anything, they go on speaking.” – Osho

Silence is all that is needed
“Silence is all that is needed, and everything else follows on its own accord.” – Osho

Meditation only creates the situation in which the silence happens
“Meditation doesn’t lead you to silence; meditation only creates the situation in which the silence happens. And this should be the criterion — that whenever silence happens laughter will come…