Osho Quotes on God

Osho Quotes on God

God is the very heart of existence and god is the creator

“God is not against life, god is life; god is not against beauty, god is the ultimate beauty. God is the very heart of existence and god is the creator.
The only way to participate in his space is to create something. The creative person comes closest to God” ~ Osho

A great harmony between God the creator

“Love the world, and don’t be attached. Be in the world, but don’t be of the world — that is what renunciation is. That’s what I call sannyas: a great harmony between love and renunciation; a great harmony between this world and that; a great harmony between God the creator, and the world, the created; a great harmony between the body and the soul a great harmony, with no conflict; the disappearance of all conflict.” – Osho

God has happened because you are alive.

“God has not to happen to you. God has happened because you are alive. What is life? Who is breathing in you and who is conscious in you? God is not to be known, God is the knower. God is not the object that you have to see, God is the SEER in you. This is the most fundamental thing I would like you to remember.” – Osho

Love and God

“Either move through love, and you will attain to God, or move through God, and you will attain to love. They come together; it is one package.” – Osho

Each flower is an invitation, an appointment with God

‘Each flower is an invitation, an appointment with God. Each song of the bird, and each cloud floating in the sky, is something like a message, a coded message. You have to decode it, you have to look deep into it, you have to be silent and listen to the message.
There is no need even to close your eyes. Eyes closed or eyes opened you see Him, because He is within and without.” – Osho

God is like an ocean

“God is like an ocean… you may feel afraid. The Master is like a small spring; you need not be afraid. You can dance with the spring, you can let the spring fall on you, you can allow the showering. But in that very showering slowly, slowly you will be gone. And then you will be ready to go into the ocean, into the enormous, into the infinite.” – Osho

God is not separate — god is our very being

“God is not separate — god is our very being. He has not to be attained, only discovered. He is hidden in us; there is no need to go anywhere else to find him. One has to be silent enough and relaxed enough to feel him.” – Osho

Be open, and God starts pouring into you

“Be open, and God starts pouring into you like wine from every nook and corner of existence. Then wherever you look, you find God. Then whatsoever you touch, you find God. Then whatsoever you drink and eat, you find God. And when God pours from everywhere, then life is a celebration.” – Osho

God is not separate god is our very being

“God is not separate god is our very being. He has not to be attained, only discovered. He is hidden in us; there is no need to go anywhere else to find him. One has to be silent enough and relaxed enough to feel him.” – Osho

Do not ask whether God exists. Ask whether I exists.

“Begin with yourself. Do not ask whether God exists. Ask whether I exists. Do not ask whether love is an attribute of the divine. Ask whether love is an attribute of mine — whether “I” have ever loved. Do not ask about grace. Ask whether I have ever felt gratitude, because that is the pole which is just nearby, which is just a step from us. We can know it.” – Osho

Osho on God


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